In 1915, Malevich exhibited a picture that lacked reference to any object in the real world. A ground zero for the visual arts, Black Square is said to have signalled an early end to abstraction in painting which came as a response to photography. And yet we all know the story: the abstract in art remains a vibrant movement as it was then as it is now.
From the realm of the real into the vortex of pure imagination, young artists continue to mine abstraction to come up with new shapes and revitalize old figures. An exploration of creative spaces, frames of mind, and modes of expression, the young’s varied approaches to abstraction as well as figuration in painting displaces the viewer into the territory of surface, color and form.
Something is always astir in the eye of the storm. In this group exhibition which includes works by Demosthenes Campos, Jonathan Castro, Melvin Culaba, Resty Tica, Max Balatbat, Rick Hernandez, Martin Honasan, Gary Custodio, Alrashdi Mohammad, Marlon Magbanua, Jethro Jocson, Ronaldo Ruiz, Sam Penaso, and Fitz Herrera, the realm of the canvas takes on the uncanny quality of a squared space that is not merely decorative, as what abstraction usually is suspected to be, but perhaps also dialogic, the swirl of reds and geometric blues like an alien language engaging us in some manner of speaking.