In “LIVING WITH THE SAME DAY, EVERYDAY,” Lester Amacio delves into the intricacies of starting over, and having the courage to let go of things in order to preserve what truly matters. His artistic journey sings a song of rebirth, and the desire to go back to the way things were, encapsulating his desire for self-forgiveness and starting fresh, especially for the sake of his family.
Central to this exhibition is a deep exploration of mental health, a crucial yet often overshadowed facet of our well-being. Amacio emphasizes that mental health holds paramount importance, for the mind governs the body, and when the mind falters, the body inevitably follows suit.
The aesthetics of Amacio’s work draw inspiration from fundamental elements of art. Stripping images to their bare essence, he reconstructs them to mirror his current emotional state. Shifting to acrylics in this new series allows for a medium that can promptly capture the immediacy of his emotions. Emotions are the core of our being, elemental in our existence, shaping our responses to life’s varied stimuli.
For Amacio, art-making is a manifestation of the deeply active subconscious, influenced by years spent abroad, detached from the familiar, a blend of beauty and melancholia encapsulated in the architectural elements within his art—longing for home and finding solace in the process.