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  • Start

    23 July 2020
  • End

    26 August 2020
  • Artist

    Raul Jorolan

KaBloom! a series of 16 paintings is the artist’s visual protest against the new, emerging threat to world peace brought about by recent world events involving the nuclear superpowers. The most prominent among these threats is the errant behavior of a rogue nation in Asia that has time and again, been test-firing their ballyhooed ballistic missiles with wild abandon in one of the world’s sensitive hotspots. This has caused much trepidation to the rest of world especially the immediate neighboring states.

A nuclear strike conjures images of unimaginable terror, vast devastation and untold deaths and misery which the world may never recover, what with the terrifying atomic payload that each of the present weapons possess. And there are thousands of these warheads with multiple targets all over the world. Just one deadly push of a nuclear button and…

KaBloom! A sudden twist! A timely save! There’s hope for mankind! There is no fiery explosion, no radioactive fallout! Instead the blast wave is exhilarating. It is a colorful blossoming of flowers bursting from ground zero. The onrush of energy shoots sky high towering in a blaze of glorious,vivid ebullience. Hitting a beautiful crescendo, it forms a bright billowing cloud of multiple effervescent blooms of all kinds and shapes. Lethal fumes to petal domes.

There is no massive destruction. The explosion is a transformation. A mushrooming ball of fire is a fiery zest for a vigorous life and absolute freshness! A massive attack of peace, love and happiness.

KaBloom! An ethereal, rapturous experience.

– Raul Jorolan, Artist