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Altro Mondo Arte Contemporanea is pleased to present ISLAND, a solo exhibition featuring works by Raul Deodato Arellano at the Altro Mondo Creative Space gallery (1159 Chino Roces Avenue, San Antonio Village, Makati City).


Inside his studio, Raul Deodato Arellano retreats into a world of his own making. His exhibit Island is a result of his time spent in his sanctuary, producing figure and landscape paintings born out of tumultuous emotions that have dwelled in his subconscious.


Arellano’s works interpret nature and the physical world as the subconscious sees it, creating connections between things that didn’t seem connected before. Taking cues from his background in plein art and film acting, Arellano paints without freely, as if without a script or direction.


From depicting oyster-like tropical landscapes to imposing wooden figures, his brush moves spontaneously, only grounded by the whims of light, shadow, and a dreamlike pastel color palette. Each piece in the exhibit encapsulates the capriciousness of nature, capturing small fleeting moments as they appear to the artist, never to be perceived again except in these works.