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    11 May 2024
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    08 July 2024
  • Artist

    Alfonso Recto

Reflecting on the obsessive rendering of lines on the canvas, one discovers not merely a visual abstraction, but an intricate narrative—a whispered meditation on the essence of self and the boundless depths of human expression.

“I”, an introspective solo exhibition by Alfonso Recto, offers a captivating inquiry into the essence of individuality and creative expression. Through a series of 11 abstract paintings, Recto delves into the multifaceted nature of the self while symbolizing the act of making a mark as an individual within the competitive landscape of the contemporary art world.

At the heart of Recto’s artistic exploration lies the fundamental gesture, the mark “I” or the letter “I” or the Roman numeral “I”, which all serve as a visual motif and a symbolic representation of selfhood. Through repetitive short lines resembling this primal symbol, Recto creates a series of striking compositions that evoke a sense of raw authenticity and primal energy.

The central piece, “Divina Commedia,” is a monumental work that encapsulates the artist’s creative vision and philosophical musings. Inspired by Dante Alighieri’s “The Divine Comedy,” Recto imbues the painting with layers of meaning, dividing its composition into three sections representing Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven. Through a serendipitous interplay of colors—black, red, and white—Recto navigates themes of suffering, purgation, and transcendence, embarking on a meditative journey of self-discovery.

The paintings in the exhibition bear titles that reflect the diverse inspirations and influences shaping Recto’s artistic practice. From references to David Lynch’s iconic television series “Twin Peaks” to abstract landscapes and meditative practices, each title offers a glimpse into the artist’s inner world and the myriad facets of his identity.

“I” is not merely an exhibition—it is an open invitation to join and immerse in Recto’s creative practice, his body of work, to contemplate the nature of existence, the journey of self-discovery, and the universal quest for meaning and transcendence.

— Fabrianne Morales