Ma. Pureza Escaño’s canvases are open doors and windows that summons us not only to look from a distance but also peek inside the delicate forms and colors of her opulent garden. And there, as we frisk and frolic amid the sublime sight and sound of susurrant leaves, warbling birds, and garrulous waters, we could feel the inexplicable sensation of completeness in our being, as if the artist put back all the broken pieces of our lives together, as though never lost or shattered before. She created a mystical garden allusive to the lost Eden, where she kept all her secret dreams and longings to blossom, where all the unfinished and uncharted journeys converge and become a reality, an arcadian place where there’s no more pain or anguish or sorrow.”
— Danny Castillones Sillada, surrealist painter, poet, critic, and philosopher