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Eternal Sunshine

  • Start

    13 July 2024
  • End

    19 August 2024
  • Artists

    Bea Aspiras, Brent Sabas, Floyd Absalon, Gabe Naguiat, Gianne Encarnacion, Hershie Relota, Iya Regalario, Keiye Miranda, Maicah Hipolito, Melvene Aquende, Poeleen Alvarez, TISH

From Floyd Absalon’s ephemeral impressions to Poeleen Alvarez’s kaleidoscopic collages blending Filipino Baroque with contemporary flair, each artwork in “Eternal Sunshine” is a journey through layers of meaning and emotion.

Bea Aspiras captures the ebb and flow of existence with her abstract expressionism, painting life’s transient beauty in bold, sweeping strokes. Melvene Aquende’s culturally rich compositions are meditative portals, inviting viewers to lose themselves in the intricate tapestry of heritage and tradition.

Gianne Encarnacion’s hand-cut illustrations are a testament to precision and imagination, each piece a delicate dance of light and shadow, mesmerizing in its ethereal transparency. Maicah Hipolito’s mixed media creations break free from the constraints of convention, while Keiye Miranda’s urban narratives uncover hidden truths within the concrete jungle, revealing the city’s soul.

Gabe Naguiat delves into metaphysical realms, his art a philosophical exploration of existence and the unseen. Iya Regalario intertwines myth and personal identity, crafting intricate visual stories that echo ancient wisdom and contemporary relevance. Hershie Relota threads gratitude into textured altars, each piece a tactile hymn to thankfulness.

Brent Sabas paints whimsical portraits that capture the essence of the soul, his works are a playful yet profound celebration of individuality. TISH’s geometric patterns and vibrant hues bridge cultural divides, creating a visual symphony that speaks of resilience, connection, and the universal language of art.

Through these diverse perspectives and artistic expressions, “Eternal Sunshine” stands as a radiant testament to the enduring power of art to inspire, provoke, and unite. Each piece is a beacon, illuminating the infinite possibilities of creativity and the boundless depths of the human spirit.